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3 people killed and 264 injured.

My friend, Lance Sven, had just completed the Boston Marathon when he heard an explosion. (April 15, 2013 - 11-years ago today!)

He was two blocks away from the bombing when it happened.

The year before this race, he ran the New York City marathon.

That was the year NYC canceled its race due to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

He ran it anyway.

He coordinated the marathon himself and ran it with 3,000 others.

You see, after his Uncle (an avid runner) passed away due to brain cancer, he wanted to run marathons in his memory.

That desire did not come easy.

He ran anyway.

His book, “Run Anyway” describes the events of the two most famous marathons in U.S. history.

It's a book infused with perseverance and inspiration. 

Have you ever faced hardship and needed to persevere?


You can find Lance Sven's book HERE

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