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Episode #5 | Questions Save Lives | Stories With Traction Podcast


Questions can change our lives.  Robert Berry has seen that play out time and time again.  Not only in his life but in the lives of his clients. 

I was particularly interested in this episode since I am intrigued with questions too.  Deep questions?  Sure.  But also questions that help us audit our lives.  According to Robert, life is all about auditing - asking questions, and reflecting on what's happening.

My favorite parts of this episode are when Robert shares a horrifying hospital story (fascinating how the leadership of this organization dealt with this issue), our conversation around how to ask better questions, and the processes that Robert sets up to help his clients succeed.

You can find out more about Robert Berry here:
LI profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/berryrobert/
Website: https://thatauditguy.com/
Podcasts: https://thecorporatequitters.com/

You can check the episode out HERE

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