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You took time to set a New Year’s resolution in January, and now it’s July

Are you on track to hit your goals for 2023? If so, congrats, keep up the outstanding work!  If not, why?  Have you kept the same habits?

In one of my favorite books, The Power of Habit, the author, Charles Duhigg, says, “Habits exist so we can get the rewards we want.”

According to Duhigg, habits have three parts: a cue, a routine, and a reward.

Duhigg says, “almost any behavior can be transformed if the cue and reward stay the same - you only need to change your routine.”

For instance, if you eat a bowl of ice cream every night while watching TV to unwind, switch out the ice cream for frozen fruit.

If you do that, you still have the cue of eating something cold, and you’ll get the reward of something sugary, but it’s a healthier routine.

By making a simple shift like this, you could significantly cut out calories.

Change your habits, and it will end up changing your life.

6 months ’til the end of the year - keep pushing toward your goals!

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