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5 tips on creativity…


Ever wonder why creativity feels like trying to catch a firefly with a hula hoop?
Well, let's dive into an interview I had with author  Barbara Zerfoss, where she shines a light on how to spark creativity…

1) The Power of Creative Visualization

 Barbara asks business leaders to play a little game of future-predicting. She's a pretend reporter visiting a wildly successful company. The task? Describe the headline-worthy achievements. This exercise turns the imagination dial to a 10 and gets people to envision their future success. ✨

2) The Role of Preparation in Creativity

Want to know the secret sauce to creativity? Preparation.  Barbara uses index cards and flowcharts to map out her stories. It's like origami for writers. The result? A structured approach that refines work and reduces waste. 🌟

3) The Importance of Environmental Priming

 Barbara's advice: Need a creativity boost? Change your environment! Environmental priming gets the creative juices flowing, whether it's a walk in the park, stepping outside, or even a quick lap around the warehouse. 🍊

4) The Creative Play of Storytelling

Remember those days when you'd sit with friends and create stories by adding a sentence at a time?  Barbara does! Her childhood game of storytelling is a masterclass in improv. It's proof that creative play can ignite the imagination faster than you can say "plot twist!" 🎭

5) Discovering Creative Prompts in Everyday Life

 Barbara found inspiration from a simple photo of herself in an Irish hat. It sparked an idea for her next book. The lesson? Creativity is everywhere—sometimes it's in your pocket, sometimes it's in your photo gallery. Keep your eyes open! 📸

I’ve learned so much from  Barbara Zerfoss over the last couple of years. It was an honor and privilege to have her on the Stories With Traction Podcast.

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