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Chick-fil-A served me a burger. 🍔

It was one of the best cheeseburgers I've ever had, too.

“Wait, what?!” you say. I thought this was the company that says, Eat Mor Chikin?!”

Yup. Well, they used to serve burgers, and the one that started it all (in Hapeville, GA), still does.

Here’s what's wild about this to me: they served burgers for 18 years before they rolled out their chicken sandwich.

At this point, they came to a crossroads: keep doing what we've always done and continue to serve tasty burgers, or nix the burger and build a chicken sandwich empire.

Some of you deliver great products or services to your clients, but it's getting in the way of your growth.

Just because it's good doesn't mean you need to continue to do it.

In Q4 this year, I'll be killing numerous aspects of my business so I can bring more life to others.

What can you let die so you can expand?

P.S. it was cool checking out this spot last week after one of my strategic storytelling workshops in the Atlanta area.

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