The Back to School Party that would change music forever…👇
On Aug 11th, 1973 (half a century ago!), Cindy Campbell threw a party in the recreation room of her apartment building (1520 Sedgwick Ave, The Bronx, NY).
She had her brother, Clive Campbell (DJ Kool Herc) run the music.
Little did anyone know, Hip-Hop would be birthed that night.
What started out as new dance music at a local party would become the #1 streamed music genre (a few decades later).
I’ve learned how to be a better storyteller in business by studying the frameworks of multiple musicians...
If you want to learn how to create a tribe of people around you, what better individuals to look to than those that can dominate a music stage?!
*It was awesome checking out the birthplace of Hip-Hop on my way to a speaking engagement. 🎤
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