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Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and it's a day that we’ve destroyed as a society. 

Over the years, as a culture, we've diluted the value of Mother’s Day.

Hallmark and flower shops win, but as a society, we lose. 

We don't talk enough about the value of STRONG MOMS! 💪

Early celebrations of Mother’s Day were forged in blood, sweat, and tears, and that's not an over-exaggeration. 

The concept of Mother’s Day spread throughout the U.S. because a band of badass moms saw the complete and utter destruction caused by the Civil War, and they said enough is enough. 

Without them, reconciliation would have never happened. 

They knew that moms would reunite the country because egotistical “leaders” in political positions at the time were too proud to lower their egos and create meaningful change. 

Let’s really celebrate the STRONG MOMS in our lives tomorrow!

To me, Mother’s Day isn't just about giving my wife stuff; it’s about reflecting on how challenging it is to be a great mom.

In the last decade, I’ve seen my wife, Courtney, muster superhuman levels of strength to be there for our children. 

Not only has she gone through unprecedented levels of sleep deprivation...

...but early on in her career, while starting a family, she started out at the very bottom of the totem pole in a male-dominated field, and now she's a linchpin for her organization. 

She's fought through stuff over the years that would completely devastate most people, and yet she showed up time and time again for our kids. 

And if that wasn't enough, Courtney experienced something 3 years ago (a tragic family death that changed her life) that no one should ever have to face. 

Instead of watching her tuck tail and run, I witnessed something profoundly beautiful. 

I saw my wife transform into Superwoman.

Not the DC Comic version of Superwoman that could never handle this level of stress...

...but I saw her transcend the normal human limits of emotional and psychological strength in the last few years. 

She truly is the best mother for our children. 

She's one badass mom. 💪

P.S. As many of us get ready for Mother’s Day tomorrow, don't just think about hearts and roses, but let us remember all the blood, sweat, and tears! 

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