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“Amazon has a terrible business model.” May 02, 2024

“Amazon has a terrible business model.”

Back in 2008, I was at a conference where a “thought leader” gave a presentation on how “Amazon will be out of business soon.” 

If I had invested $10,000 in Amazon stock right after that talk, I would have $626,668.80...

I've seen many posts recently that say... May 01, 2024

”prove them wrong,” and I find these posts somewhat confusing.  

I don't do my work to prove anything to anybody.  We’ll always have people that don't believe in what we do; that's part of life.  

Regardless, people’s opinions don't feed my family,...

Don't give it 100% Apr 30, 2024


It's a lie and could hurt your business. 

Here is what I mean...

When people say, ”give it 100%,” what they are saying is ”give it your all,” but you can't do that all the time.

We have high productivity times and high creativity times during the day, and they...

What makes a great podcast? Great guests! Apr 26, 2024

I’m excited to share the April lineup:

Apr 5 - Storytelling FAQ Episode with Claire M. Davis
Apr 12 - The Inferiority Complex of Leaders with Mike Thorne
Apr 19 - The Story of Culbertson Resources Inc. with Ui Culbertson

Apr 26 - How to be a TEDx Speaker with Bobby Umar

Just hit...

How to be a TEDx Speaker | Stories With Traction Podcast Apr 26, 2024


SUMMARY: In this episode, Bobby Umar and Matt Zaun discuss how to land, create, and leverage a TEDx talk.

BOBBY UMAR BIO: Bobby is the CEO of DYPB (Discover Your Personal Brand) and he is a 5 times TEDx speaker.

For more info on Bobby:

MATT ZAUN BIO: Matt is an...

Today is “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.” Apr 25, 2024

I don’t think it should just be one day.

I’m constantly sharing my business goals with my sons and daughter.

I make them part of the process.

Not only do they get excited about being involved, but my kids learn important business skills that they’ll be able to utilize for the...

The worst President in U.S. History was… Apr 23, 2024

...James Buchanan.

That's according to many historians.

What's interesting is Buchanan was one of the most prepared presidents in history.

He was:

-A soldier 
-A prominent lawyer
-U.S. Congressman
-U.S. Senator 
-Secretary of State
-Minister to Russia 
-Minister to the U.K.

However, he was...

The Story of Culbertson Resources Inc. | Stories With Traction Podcast Apr 19, 2024


SUMMARY: In this episode, Ui Culbertson and Matt Zaun talk about Ui’s upbringing and how it positioned her for the business world.

UI CULBERTSON: Ui is the President and CEO of Culbertson Resources Inc.

For more info, check out Culbertson Resources Inc. HERE

MATT ZAUN BIO: Matt is...

3 people killed and 264 injured. Apr 15, 2024

My friend, Lance Sven, had just completed the Boston Marathon when he heard an explosion. (April 15, 2013 - 11-years ago today!)

He was two blocks away from the bombing when it happened.

The year before this race, he ran the New York City marathon.

That was the year NYC canceled its race...

Today, we remember a pivotal moment in American history as we reflect on the passing of President Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865 Apr 15, 2024

In the darkness of April 14th, 1865, John Wilkes Booth's bullet pierced Lincoln’s head, altering the course of our nation's history.

The weight of the moment was intense as doctors rushed to attend to President Lincoln, but the severity of his wound left little hope.

Amidst the chaos, a...

The Role of Values in Shaping Our Lives Apr 12, 2024

In our quest for personal and professional growth, understanding and embracing our core values is not just beneficial; it's essential. This detailed exploration aims to guide you through discovering these values, enhancing your storytelling capabilities, improving your professional engagements,...

Last year, I stumbled upon a TEDx talk on YouTube that completely blew me away. Apr 12, 2024

The speaker's vulnerability, storytelling, and authenticity quickly earned a spot as one of the best TEDx talks I've ever listened to.

That is why I’m so excited to share this podcast episode with you. My guest, Mike Thorne, is the speaker in that TEDx talk!
Mike wears many hats:...

The Inferiority Complex of Leaders | Stories With Traction Podcast Apr 12, 2024


SUMMARY: In this episode, Mike Thorne and Matt Zaun discuss Mike’s TEDx Talk, what leaders can do to unpack their early childhood trauma, and how to create a culture that’s not afraid to ask for help.

MIKE THORNE BIO: Mike is the Founder and Managing Partner of Trust...

5 things I wish I knew about LinkedIn when I started posting... Apr 09, 2024

1 ) The "start with why" mantra will actually hold you back when it comes to LI. I know too many people that spend forever trying to figure out their "why." This is a time suck, and your why doesn't even matter when you first start out, so just freakin' post. I started creating a lot of content...

I made a huge mistake a decade ago. Apr 09, 2024

I wanted to appear smart.

So, I wrote like I was writing to my professors.  All academic.

My boss at the time told me, “Do you want to sound smart, or do you want to make sense?"

Great storytellers value clarity above complexity.  

If you were to take Ernest Hemingway’s...

Recently read a business book that talked about how stupid networking is... Apr 03, 2024

...said no one ever.
We know how important networking is to our success. So, why don't we focus on it more? Seriously, we know there are people out there who can help us achieve our goals, dreams, and desires, so why don't we make a strategic, intentional effort to connect with them? 


For people who can’t properly communicate, April Fools' Day comes more than once a year. 👇 Apr 01, 2024

Ever witnessed a "leader" bombing their staff meeting? It's like watching a train wreck! ‍

Don't be the office clown! Dive into the Stories With Traction podcast and ace your storytelling game.

Master those presentations, and you'll be the office Einstein!

Give it a listen ...

Westcliff’s Core Values | Stories With Traction Podcast Mar 29, 2024

The Story of Westcliff
Leader of Leaders


SUMMARY: In this episode, Dr. Anthony Lee and Matt Zaun talk about Westcliff’s core values and the future of education regarding AI technology.

DR. ANTHONY LEE BIO: Dr. Lee is the President and CEO of Westcliff...

What makes a great podcast? Great guests! I’m excited to share the Q1 lineup with you: Mar 29, 2024

Jan 5th - How to be a Great Storyteller with Claire M. Davis
Jan 12th - Intentional Storytelling with Terence Farrell
Jan 19th - Flip the Script with Lyndsay Dowd
Jan 26th - The Story of Westcliff with Dr. Anthony Lee

Feb 2nd - Storytelling FAQ Episode 1...

When Richard and Maurice McDonald sold this restaurant to Ray Kroc for $2.7 million... Mar 26, 2024

...many in the business community thought Mr. Kroc was an idiot. 

Why on earth was he so interested in buying a burger joint (for that amount of money)?!

Ray Kroc saw something that most didn’t at the time: the long-term value of McDonald’s.

Today, the company is worth 191...

Great leaders have a personal development budget that is a lot bigger than their entertainment budget. Mar 25, 2024

They invest in workshops, books, and courses and will do everything possible to improve themselves.

Through this development, they will work on their storytelling ability and emotional intelligence and master their management style.

They want to learn how to be better listeners, techniques for...

People lose interest in companies that operate with little passion and creativity. Mar 22, 2024

Even still, there are some great people working in organizations like this, and they’re itching to make a difference. 

The key to unlocking enthusiasm in a stale company is connecting through storytelling. 

When we share stories, we are building trust with those around us and...

Many years ago, a French poet named... Mar 22, 2024

...Jacques Prévert happened to meet a blind beggar in the street. 

Jacques asked him how things were going. 

Bad, the beggar replied – he hadn’t heard a single coin land in his hat all day. 

Jacques, a poor writer, didn’t have cash to spare, but he offered to...

The Story of Intelassist | Stories With Traction Podcast Mar 22, 2024


SUMMARY: In this episode, Chris Stokes and Matt Zaun discuss Intelassist and the future of work in the United States.

CHRIS STOKES BIO: Chris Stokes is the VP of Client Success and Partner at Intelassist, a remote staffing company based in Manila, Philippines.

For more info, check out...
