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I made a huge mistake a decade ago. Aug 29, 2023

I wanted to appear smart.

So, I wrote like I was writing to my professors. All academic.

My boss at the time told me, “Do you want to sound smart, or do you want to make sense?”

Great storytellers value clarity above complexity.  

If you were to take Ernest Hemingway’s...

First time going to South Dakota! Aug 29, 2023

I’ll be doing 2 strategic storytelling workshops there!

My goal for the audiences: massive change.

If they utilize the concepts shared, they will:

-boost sales
-enhance internal communication 
-and create a vibrant company culture

…all through the power of strategic...

We often treat our people like baseball players; three strikes, and you're out! Aug 28, 2023

We’re constantly on the lookout for…


…others’ mistakes.

This mindset is bogus!

Creating an environment that tries to be mistake-free will crush your organization’s creativity.

Stop focusing on your team’s mistake and how it's “hurting your...

When I entered politics, I obsessively studied LBJ, also known as the Master of the Senate. โคต๏ธ Aug 28, 2023

Whether you loved or hated him, President Johnson possessed a fascinating capability...genius-level strategy.

I used to spend countless hours studying how Johnson would play congress like a game of chess.

Though some of his tactics were brutal, I respect how much long-term thought he put into...

Today is my 37th Birthday! ...but I actually have a gift for you today. ๐ŸŽ Aug 27, 2023

Here are 37 things I've learned over the years...

1. Everyone on the planet (even super successful people) have some form of an inferiority complex

2. Great copywriting is a superpower

3. Share powerful stories to get your point across

4. Fight as hard as you can to be your ideal, healthy weight


I spent 1,000 hours on LinkedIn, so you don't have to... Aug 25, 2023

Here is the most important framework that I learned...

1. You have to understand your Ideal Client Persona (ICP).
2. You share stories that relate to your ICP.
3. You engage (comment, "like," etc.) with your potential clients.
4. You network (virtual coffee/meet IRL) with your potential clients.

How Hobbies Make You More Creative | Stories With Traction Podcast Aug 25, 2023

SUMMARY: In this episode, Terence Farrell and Matt Zaun discuss how our hobbies can make us more creative in life and business.

TERENCE FARRELL BIO: Terence served as a Chester County Commissioner for 12 years, and before that, he was the Recorder of Deeds for 8 years.  Today, he is the...

When it comes to great stories, we need a foe. Aug 23, 2023

Quick, let's go listen to a story of someone who has it all together and has never struggled in their lives... 
...said no one ever.

Why is that?

When it comes to great stories, we need a foe.

People love struggle/victory stories.

In business, we want it to be easy, but that doesn't give us a...

Florida Keys! Aug 22, 2023

Over the weekend, I spoke in the Florida Keys. 28th strategic storytelling workshop of 2023, and 1st spousal retreat! It was awesome! Flew into Miami, and drove the entire Overseas Highway. Literally got to the end of Route 1. It was incredibly gorgeous. Love speaking all over the...

The Future of Events and AI | Stories With Traction Podcast Aug 19, 2023


PODCAST EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode, Rajeev Kapur and Matt Zaun talk about how COVID changed 1105 Media’s business and how they were able to be creative to continue to deliver value to their clients. In addition, they talk about the future of in-person events and why leaders...

โ€I treat the janitor like I treat the CEOโ€ Aug 17, 2023

I've heard some people say, ”I treat the janitor like I treat the CEO,” and that's noble, but sometimes, these same people will completely destroy themselves with criticism.

So though they value the lives of others, they don't take their own life into account. 

You treat everyone...

โ€œIf you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.โ€ Aug 16, 2023

Actually, to “make it anywhere,” it takes solid mentorship…

…and that’s been my secret weapon for years.

Last week, met with two of my amazing mentors, Scott Mason and Rob Chenoweth, in NYC.

I'm excited to continue to grow and change based on their recommendations....

2 years ago, I showed up at Jeff Bezosโ€™s house. Aug 16, 2023

No, not his 200,000,000 house in Beverly Hills. 

The house he started Amazon in.

I was speaking at a company in Bellevue, and his old house was literally down the street, so I had to see it for myself.

This garage is where Amazon was launched.

Today, it’s the 5th most valuable company on...

Iโ€™m a huge failure. ๐Ÿ‘‡ Aug 16, 2023

It took me 200+ talks before I felt comfortable speaking.

It took me 100+ articles written before I felt comfortable writing.

It took me 50+ podcast episodes before I felt comfortable podcasting.

Want to feel more comfortable? 

Find wise people who know what they're doing, learn from them, and...

AI can NOTโ€ฆ Aug 16, 2023

Take the place of:


A lot of people are talking about AI, but they’re not setting the groundwork to combat it.

If you want to create a vibrant company culture, you need to have a surge of storytelling…

…because storytelling touches on all these points...

The Back to School Party that would change music foreverโ€ฆ๐Ÿ‘‡ Aug 16, 2023

On Aug 11th, 1973 (half a century ago!), Cindy Campbell threw a party in the recreation room of her apartment building (1520 Sedgwick Ave, The Bronx, NY).

She had her brother, Clive Campbell (DJ Kool Herc) run the music.

Little did anyone know, Hip-Hop would be birthed that night.

What started...

Instead of trying to manipulate people, I challenge you to inspire those around you instead! Aug 16, 2023

Here are some thoughts to help you motivate others to buy-in to your ideas:
๐—›๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐˜† ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐˜†. You do NOT need to make-up situations and lie to #communicate persuasively. By being authentic and real with people, you’re putting yourself in a position to make a genuine...

Failure today can lead to way more success due to LinkedIn! Aug 16, 2023

Here’s what I mean…

Let's use a writer like J.K. Rowlings as an example...

Twelve different publishing houses rejected her manuscript before she finally found a publisher.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was first published on June 26, 1997.

Years before LinkedIn became...

Did I make a mistake? ๐Ÿ˜ณ Aug 16, 2023

Last week, I was teaching my 9-year-old how to set goals, so I used one of my BIG goals as an example. 

He lit up with excitement as we spent an hour going through numerous details.

He even gave me some good suggestions.

At the end of the conversation, he said, "awesome; now you can prove to...

The Storytelling System | Stories With Traction Podcast Aug 11, 2023

PODCAST SUMMARY: In this episode, Claire Davis and Matt Zaun talk about how they created a storytelling system and positioned it to boost sales and enhance their marketing efforts.

CLAIRE DAVIS BIO: Claire is a branding consultant that helps people write their stories.  The Stories With...

Always Fall Forward | Stories With Traction Podcast Aug 04, 2023



PODCAST SUMMARY: In this episode, Jacob Brown and Matt Zaun talk about how to turn failure into fuel for growth.

JACOB BROWN BIO: Jacob is a former NFL athlete turned entrepreneur, transformational speaker, and writer.

For more info, check out Jacob here:

How is Your Motivation Impacting Culture? | Stories With Traction Podcast Jul 31, 2023

PODCAST SUMMARY: In this episode, Lori Halverson and Matt Zaun talk about the motivational level of leaders and how this can impact their company culture.  In addition, they dive into the importance of keeping everyone accountable regardless of generation.

LORI HALVERSON BIO: Lori is the...

How to Build a Legacy | Stories With Traction Jul 28, 2023





Stories of Leadership

How to Get Involved in Politics

SUMMARY: In this episode, Terence Farrell and Matt Zaun discuss ways leaders can get more involved in their communities and why it’s important.

TERENCE FARRELL BIO: Terence served as a...
