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What my son doesn't know yet... Jun 18, 2024

First, I couldn't be more proud of my son! 

This school year, he won the award for Incredible Storyteller.

My story | 12 years ago, after a disastrous talk, I remember running out to my car, slamming the door, grabbing the steering wheel, and yelling, "THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!" 


One of my mentors, Dan Koval is always reminding me to... Jun 17, 2024

...not only work hard but to play hard too! 

Sometimes we get so caught up in the go, go, go that we forget to slow down and actually enjoy life.

Last week was awesome! I conducted 3 strategic storytelling workshops in the Denver area for some incredible business leaders. (By the way, if...

“Matt, you should be ashamed of yourself; your career path is strong, but your kid's future is looking bleak.”👇 Jun 16, 2024

For the first 4 years of my oldest son’s life, I neglected him. 

I was so focused on my career that I'm sad to say I don't remember much of those early years.

Then it all changed. 

One of my business mentors pointed out that I spent more time focusing on my business plans than I did...

Reflections on the Road to Resilience | Stories With Traction Podcast Jun 15, 2024

SUMMARY: In this episode, Brenda Reynolds and Matt Zaun talk about the 5 Frogs transformational journey and how it can be used to reflect on transitions we’re going through in life.

BRENDA REYNOLDS BIO: Brenda Reynolds is a trusted organization and leadership consultant, executive coach,...

One of my Grandmothers used to tell me... Jun 15, 2024

”when I tell you to jump, you ask how high! When I tell you to do something, you do it, period!” She forced me to listen to her out of FEAR!

My other Grandmother, on the other hand, would tell me why she wanted me to do certain things. 

She showed me how much she cared about me,...

She was hit by a crisis. Have you ever felt this terrified? Jun 15, 2024

Check out this podcast episode with  Brenda Reynolds and me for a journey packed with insights on personal transformation, resilience, and overcoming obstacles.

 Brenda shares her powerful story of navigating through a major life crisis in 2008, highlighting the...

A couple of years ago, I made a goal of going to every presidential museum. Jun 12, 2024

So far, I've been to:

-George Washington 
-Thomas Jefferson
-James Buchanan
-Abraham Lincoln 
-Rutherford B. Hayes
-Warren G. Harding
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
-Lyndon B. Johnson
-Richard Nixon
-Jimmy Carter
-Ronald Reagan
-George H. W. Bush
-George W. Bush 

Each one fascinates me because...

This is Abraham Lincoln’s bed. Could you imagine all the sleepless nights? Jun 05, 2024

All the tossing and turning.
All the stress.
All the fear.

Why? Well…

-He was defeated for Illinois state legislator in 1832.
-He started a business only to see it go under. 
-He lost his run for Congress in 1843 and again in 1848.
-He lost his bid to become a U.S. Senator in 1855.
-He ran...

Sometimes, we automatically assume large 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐬 will be here tomorrow. Jun 05, 2024

We see these corporate giants dominating market share and think, "How can a small business compete?" Well, spoiler alert: sometimes we’re just plain 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠!

Here’s the kicker – the way we tell stories has evolved, and boy, do we have a megaphone now!  

Thanks to social media,...

5 tips on creativity… Jun 03, 2024


Ever wonder why creativity feels like trying to catch a firefly with a hula hoop?
Well, let's dive into an interview I had with author  Barbara Zerfoss, where she shines a light on how to spark creativity…

1) The Power of Creative Visualization

 Barbara asks...

Something I know now about humor that I wish I would have known years ago. May 31, 2024

Ever tried to crack a joke in a meeting and got silence so loud you could hear a pin drop? 

Yeah, me too. 

Pro tip: telling jokes can be incredibly risky in a business setting. 

You don't want to be the office comedian who only hears crickets in response to your punchline.

Instead of...

Adversity's Arc: Transforming Challenges into Compelling Stories May 31, 2024

In our quest for comfort and stability, we often overlook the inherent value of adversity.

It's a natural human tendency to shy away from challenges, much like my six-year-old son, who is petrified of "bad guys" in movies. However, adversity is not just an obstacle to be avoided; it's a powerful...

She donated her entire 51 million fortune to charity when she passed in 2007… May 30, 2024

Anita Roddick was not only one of the richest women in the UK during the 1990s but also one of the most generous.

She didn’t stash her cash in a secret vault like Scrooge McDuck. Nope, the more money she made through her company, The Body Shop, the more she funneled into causes she cared...

7 things that have increased my profit by 25% May 28, 2024

In January, I read  Craig Andrews’s book Make Sales Magical. Little did I know it would transform aspects of my business. I had to have  Craig on the Stories With Traction Podcast to share his concepts. Here are some of the points that we talked...

Make Sales Magical | Stories With Traction Podcast May 24, 2024



SUMMARY: In this episode, Craig Andrews and Matt Zaun discuss Craig’s book, Make Sales Magical.

CRAIG ANDREWS BIO: Craig is the Principle Ally and Founder of Allies4me, which is a marketing agency that helps companies find strangers and convert them into high-paying...

My wife hates listening to Bob Dylan. She says... May 24, 2024

...he has a raspy voice. I love Bob Dylan. I think he is one of the best lyricists of all time. 

Who’s right? We both are. 

My wife has run sound for hundreds of concerts, so she has an incredible ear for pitch and tone.

I’ve written for dozens of politicians and...

Check out these numbers… May 14, 2024

Post 1: had 2 likes and 1 comment 

Post 2: had 3,694 likes, 213 comments, and 87 reposts

Guess which one landed me the most business?

Believe it or not, it was post 1. 

You see, the person who commented found the content specifically relatable to him, and he ended up being a huge client....

I hate my mom. May 12, 2024

I hate my mom. 

She’s ridiculous. 


Did you ever say that growing up? 

I might have said that a couple of times when I was a teen. 

Not truly realizing the gift my mother gave me.

My mom is the most strategic person I’ve ever met. 

Her planning,...

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and it's a day that we’ve destroyed as a society.  May 11, 2024

Over the years, as a culture, we've diluted the value of Mother’s Day.

Hallmark and flower shops win, but as a society, we lose. 

We don't talk enough about the value of STRONG MOMS!

Early celebrations of Mother’s Day were forged in blood, sweat, and tears, and that's not an...

She changed my perspective on "time management," and my productivity soared... 👇 May 10, 2024

It took me years to figure out that not everything should be at the top of my to-do list. 

Then I met  Penny Zenker - The Focusologist, and she transformed my understanding of priorities.

Thanks to her insights, my work life improved, and I also stopped having nightmares about...

Today is the day that is remembered for the founding of New Orleans. May 07, 2024

Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville was a key figure in French Louisiana's history. 

From founding Fort Maurepas to establishing New Orleans, Bienville's vision and leadership shaped the region's development. 

As governor four times, he navigated challenges and left a lasting impact,...

Today is my oldest son’s 10th birthday! What you don’t know, is my kid is obsessed with... May 07, 2024

...watching marketing videos on YouTube.  

This little guy has taught me how to be a better marketer!  

Think about it; he doesn’t have an Ivy League degree, he hasn’t graduated from high school, heck, this kid is only in 4th grade, but he’s taught me...

Oh, no! Everyone loves you. Your business is going to suck. 👇 May 06, 2024

Don't be something for everyone; be something to someone. 

Ever heard of a sales funnel? Top of funnel is "likes" and rainbows. Once people get to the end, they become clients. 

We're talking about less than 1% of people who consume your content. 

If 99% of the world hates...

He was sobbing and had to hug me. May 03, 2024


Recently, after one of my strategic storytelling workshops, a gentleman in the audience pulled me aside. 

60-year-old man. CEO of an extremely successful company. 

He was sobbing and had to hug me. 

For the first time in his life, he realized he had to start telling people...
